Villages were a great addition to the game when they first came about.
Better villagers mod minecraft download how to#
How to install Better Villages Mod 1.8, 1.7.10 Inside Better Villages Config Mod Spotlight: Villages spawn in literally every single biome except ‘The End Biome’!.Villagers will attack zombies ONLY if the Golem Spawn Rate is below 10%.Villagers now walk on terrain like nothing before! They can detect where they walk.Biomes now have a fixed spawn-rate so there won’t be like 500 villages in one single biome on LargeBiomes generation and default world.

Villages no longer have a weird generation with gravel.Villagers have a low chance of attacking a zombie, still working on it, but cool!.Villages break blocks 75 blocks above them (trees etc.).Villages break apart any block in the way.

Villages now spawn in every biome that has a little flat land.

The lamps around the villages use glowstone instead of torches, giving a lot more light at night time. Villages in Vanilla have gotten a little better but Better Villages ramps it up even more! Villages spawn more tightly together like a town, they spawn in Jungle biomes, Mountains and even in the ocean! Gardens within the villages are also fixed, adding lily pads and gates to the fences, even torches for light. While traveling through Minecraft you might stumble upon a lone village, sometimes spawned in at a precarious area, leading to some insane village generation.